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Scattercoat Trial Kit 2m

Product no.: Sct2M


Scattercoat Trial Kit containing sufficient material to cover a 2 square metre area.

The kit contains primer/sealer for concrete, wood or metal surfaces, resin, hardener and aggregate.

Before starting be sure to thoroughly clean and dry the area. Apply primer/sealer and leave to cure for 20 minutes.

Next add hardener to resin and mix thoroughly, taking care to scrape around base and sides of vessel. Pour out and spread evenly using a toothed squeegee. The resin will self-level in a few minutes. Liberally cast the aggregate over the wet resin until no resin area is visible and leave to cure. The resin takes about 4 hours to cure at 16-20 degrees C, longer in cooler conditions. Once cured the excess aggregate can be swept up and reused for future applications if kept dry.